On Air

Shades of Blues playlist for 01/05/2025

Plas Johnsonblue jean shuffle
Muddy Watersstill a fool
Muddy WatersRollin' and tumblin'
Howlin WolfYou can't be beat
Howlin WolfRockin' daddy
Sunnyland Slimhighway 61
Memphis SlimI wonder what's the matter
Sammy Wardwho's the fool
Luther AllisonDust my broom
Bo DiddleyRide on Josephine
Chuck BerryThirty days
Chuck BerryYou can't catch me
Eddy ClearwaterA real good time
Frankie Lucasi want to rock you
Bobby Flarevariety
Count YatesChimpanzee
Slick GibsonFoot loose and fancy free
Ray Ellingtongiddy ou ding dong
Brook BentonHurtin' inside
HarveyDa da goo goo
Leonard CarboPig tails and blue jens
Blue dotsSaturday night fish fry
The MiraclesGoing to a go go
The MiraclesMickey's monkey
Joe TexI gotcha
Joe texI can't ee you no more
James BrownWhy does everything happen to me
Maxine BrownAll in my mind
Betty HarrisCry to me
Jerry ButlerFor your precious love
Sam CookeA change is gonna come
Bobby "Blue" BlandTurn on your love light
Big Al DowningYes I'm loving you
The Swallowsitchy twitchy feeling
Roy Gainesskippy is a sissy
Tony Allenrockin' shoes
Ray SharpeKewpie doll
Ray SharpeLinda Lu
Kenny EsquireBoom chica boom
Sims TwinsDon't fight it, feel it
Piano slimLot of shakin', lot of jive
Norman 'Arab' Sands & the ValiantsDon't want to leave the congo
Roy MiltonNew year's resolution