Suburban Hymns playlist for 01/01/2025

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Beastie Boysgroove holmesThe In Sound From Way Out!
Pink Floydone of these daysMeddle
Rage Against the MachinbombtrackRage Against The Machine
Killing JokerequiemKilling Joke
Nine Inch Nailshead like a holePretty Hate Machinr
Joy DivisiondisorderUnknown Pleasures
David BowieThe Width of a CircleThe Man Who Sold the World
WilcoI am trying to break your heartYankee Hotel Foxtrot
The Vervebitter sweet symphonyUrban Hymns
The Mighty Lemon Dropsinside outWorld Without End
The Curein between daysThe Head on the Door
Primal Screammovin' on upscreamadelica
The Policespirits in the material worldGhost in the Machine
Black SabbathBlack SabbathBlack Sabbath
Soundgardenrusty cageBadmotorfinger
Fugaziwaiting room13 Songs
MetallicabatteryMaster of Puppets
Judas Priestbreaking the lawBritish Steel
Nirvanaserve the servantsIn Utero
Iggy & The Stoogessearch & destroyRaw Power
Ramonesblitzkrieg bopRamones
The Velvet UndergroundWhite Light / White HeatWhite Light / White Heat
Lou ReedviciousTransformer
Tom Waitsnew coat of paintThe Heart of Saturday Night
Neko Casethis tornado loves youMiddle Cyclone
The Sundaysskin & bonesReading, Writing & Arithmetic
The Rain Paradetalking in my sleepEmergency Third Rail Power Trip
Mazzy StarhalahShe Hangs Brightly
RadioheadairbagOK Computer
Radioheadeverything in its right placeKid A
New Orderlove vigilantesLow-Life
Talking Headsuh-oh, love comes to townTalking Heads: 77
Information Societywhat's on your mind (pure energy)Information Society
LCD SoundsystemDance Yrself CleanThis Is Happening
Depeche Modeworld in my eyesViolator
Yazoodon't goUpstairs at Eric's
Björkarmy of mePost
A Tribe Called QuestexcursionsThe Low End Theory
Beastie BoysJimmy JamesCheck Your Head
Sonic Youth100%Dirty
Weezermy name is JonasWeezer (Blue Album)
Violent Femmesblister in the sunViolent Femmes
Jane's AddictionStopRitual De Lo Habitual
Spacemen 3sound of confusionTaking Drugs To Make Music To Take Drugs To
The Darksideguitar voodooAll That Noise
The SmithsThe queen is deadThe Queen is Dead
The ClashThe Magnificent SevenSandinista!
BeckCold brainsMutations
The Beta Banddry the rainThe Three E.P.'s
The CureplainsongDisintegration
The Jesus & Mary Chainjust like honeyPsychocandy
R.E.M.What's the frequency, Kenneth?Monster
Smashing PumpkinsCherub rockSiamese Dream

First tracks