Everything Is Broken playlist for 08/03/2010

We will be discussing NEW MEDIA AND POLITICS. for that … OUR FEATURED GUEST is BRETT O’DONNELL, vice president/general manager of Steinreich Communications, Washington DC. Brett was the Director of Messaging for the McCain Presidential Campaign from January of 2007-November of 2008; during the 2008 presidential campaign O’Donnell was twice named to Time Magazine’s “Five Most Important People Not Running for President” list. In 2004 O’Donnell was retained by the Bush-Cheney campaign to assist in debate preparation for the 2004 presidential debates. http://www.scompr.com

Our resident scribe, J. David Gray will be joining us for another segment of our SYNERGY project. he will read his essay inspired by the image "great view" - you can view the image at http://tinyurl.com/lvgvsr or http://www.jimlynchphotography.com here is a link to David's other writings: http://word-smith.typepad.com/wordsmith

music from the high-energy US indie rock group GOSSIP, from their album “Music for Men” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_(band)