Destinies speaks with Paul Levinson, 12/27/24

From Howard Margolin

This week, Destinies explores the multiverse through the lens of Beatles history.

Tune in Friday night at 11:15 PM as author Paul Levinson returns for his third appearance to discuss and read from his novel It's Real Life: An Alternate History of the Beatles. Set in 1996, the story imagines a world where the Beatles never disbanded. DJ Pete Fornatale walks through the tunnels beneath Fordham University, only to emerge into a music world that's vastly different from his own.

As Pete struggles to navigate alternate realities and ensure John Lennon’s survival in each of them, he meets the woman who inspired Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne.” She reveals her ability to travel between realities at will, showing just how much the world changes when the history of the Beatles shifts.

Friday, December 27th, at 11:15 PM.

Hosted by Howard Margolin.

Destinies – The Voice of Science Fiction