Spiney Norman playlist for 12/04/2024

johnny rayyou don't owe me a thing
johnny rayyes tonight
johnny raysuch a night
doris day johnny rayfull time job
chauncey olcotttoo r a loo ra lloo rah
thin lizzyvagabond of the western world
Dexy's Midnight Runnerscome on eileen
Frank Sinantrafly me to the moon
Hank Ballardtwist
Supremesbaby love
Sophia Lorenzoo be zoo be zoo
Brigitte Bardotbubble gum
anthea and donnauptown top ranking
psychedelic furswe love you
Buddy Hollyrock around with ollie vee
little richardgood golly miss molly
Cowboy Jack Clementcarrot juice
Elvis Prelseymystery train
Wee Willie Harriswild one
rico rodriguezsea cruise
Squeezeslap and tickle
Dmitri Shostakovichwaltz no. 2
Smokey Robinsontears of a clown
John Coltanecountdown
Adriano Celentanoprisenllllllioioioio
Ian Dury & the Blockheadsreasons to be cheerful pt 3
Adam and the Antsdon't be square be there
Adam and the Antsdirk wears white socks
dirk bogardeget out of town
Haysi Fantayzeejohn wayne is big leggy
the darkjohn wayne