TURMOIL playlist for 11/20/2024

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
David BowieBuzz the FuzzThe Width of a Circle
Pet Shop BoysAll The Young Dudes45*
The BeatstalkersSilver Tree Top School for Boys45
David BowieBoys Keep SwingingLodger
Tina TurnerGirlsBreak Every Rule
Earl SlickIsn't It Evening (The Revolutionary)Zig Zag
Youth BrigadeSink With CaliforniaSound and Fury
WargasmCircle Pit45*
The ChallengedToo LateWallfighter
The Suffolk StranglersFrozen AliveLive*
ShiragirlRights Back Right NowLive 2024 LA Womens March
The Mo-DettesWhite Mice45
Guerra FinalPurgatorio45*
SkismPain and Pain2021
New Found GloryMy Friends Over YouSticks and Stones
Band of BastardsBurn It Down45*
Crossed WiresLoopedEllipsis
Leaking HeadGet Rich and Die45*
Deadly SkiesDead Again45
Good RiddanceNo System To BelieveEP*
The ConsumersAnti, Anti, Anti45
Soul GloGold Chain Punk45

8:30pm - 9:00pm Davie Jones Locker: Anything and everything related to David Bowie
9:00pm - 10:00pm Turmoil: Back on the air after 20 years!! Punk, hardcore, thrash from the US and the world
Visit www.turmoilradio.com for info.