On Air

Friday Nite Free-Form playlist for 10/18/2024

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
KyrosGhosts of YouGhosts of You*
Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusChasing the Dragon (feat. Chloe Lowery)Impostor*
NektarOne Day High One Day LoMission To Mars*
NektarI'll Let You InMission To Mars*
Jann Klose & Rachel FlowersThe Lost Kingdom*
Rachel FlowersThe DarknessBigger on the Inside
ShpongleBrain In A Fish TankMuseum Of Conciousness
ShpongleTickling the AmygdalaMuseum Of Conciousness
NeedlepointBack To NowhereRemnants Of Light*
NeedlepointBlank SheetRemnants Of Light*
IZZCollapse the WaveCollapse the Wave*
IZZSometimes SublimeCollapse the Wave*
GongWingful of EyesShamal
Premiata Forneria MarconiLa Luna NuovaGli Anni Settanta
Premiata Forneria MarconiVia LumiereGli Anni Settanta
Glass HammerThe Writing On The WallSkallagrim - Into The Breach
Glass HammerBlinding LightChronomonaut