On Air

Tune in: High Low

Friday Nite Free-Form playlist for 09/27/2024

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
RenaissanceThe Day of The DreamerSong for all seasons
RenaissanceSong Of ScheherazadeLive at Carnegie Hall
Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusChasing the Dragon (feat. Chloe Lowery)Impostor!*
CyanPictures From The Other SidePictures From The Other Side*
IZZCollapse the WaveCollapse the Wave*
CirculineTransmission ErrorCore*
NektarOne Day High One Day LoMission To Mars*
ActionfredagEnsomhet er bare en følelseTurist i eget liv (Expanded Edition)*
Marjana SemkinaDeath and the Maiden (feat. Mick Moss)SIRIN*
Amelia CoburnOh Captain! Guide Me HomeBetween The Moon and The Milkman*

Renaissance Farewell Tour In Gratitude
An evening of classic Renaissance songs from across the years including Mother Russia, Ocean Gypsy and Ashes are Burning.
