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Destinies Reviews Deadpool & Wolverine on 8/2/24

Last week, Deadpool & Wolverine opened in theaters, adding the Fox franchise favorites to the greater Marvel Cinematic Multiverse.

This Friday at 11:15 PM, the Destinies Film Review Mutants assemble live to discuss the movie.
Does this combination of two of Marvel's most popular characters live up to the expectations of fans?

How does the story acknowledge the tragic events of Logan, and still manage to bring Deadpool and Wolverine together for an adventure with the fate of Deadpool's timeline at stake?

Who is Cassandra Nova, what is the Void, and how do heroes and villains who have not been seen on screen in two decades end up there, under her rule?

Can the Merc with the Mouth and the Best There is at What He Does work together without killing each other, or everyone else, in the process?

And, what is the movie worth on the Famous Destinies zero to $9.50 Rating Scale?

Find out when hosts Howard Margolin, Audrey Dettmering, Dave Campfield, Timothy Gillespie, with DJ T.K. and Alex from "Threat Level Midnight" travel through time to review Deadpool & Wolverine, start on Friday, August 2nd, at 11:15 PM, only on

Destinies-The Voice of Science Fiction.