Ménage à trois playlist for 06/15/2024

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Couch SlutCouch Slut LewisYou Could Do It Tonight*
Richard DawsonBlack Dog In The SkyThe Magic Bridge
DITZThreeThe Great Regression
Cocteau TwinsGlass Candle GrenadesHead Over Heels
ThantifaxathHungry GhostsHive Mind Narcosis
PinbackDiminishedInformation Retrieved
RushDog YearsTest for Echo
Warren ZevonRottweiler BluesMutineer
Man is the BastardPuppy MillThoughtless...
Steeleye SpanThe Hills of GreenmoreHark! The Village Wait

Interview with Couch Slut!!! (delayed like half an hour because of the pigs)