On Air

Workhorse Radio playlist for 05/16/2024

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
led Zeppelinover the hills faraway
led Zeppelinthe immigrant song
Deep PurpleGetting tighterCone tatste the band
Ac dcthen there was rocklive
velvet revolverslither
the warningautomatic sun*
the answerput your money on me*
karma effecta little wild honey*
royal bloodtyphoon
jim shuler and the monkey beatGet your head right
Bleekerlet's go*
Digital planetscool like thatthe rebirth of slick
Marcus Kingsave me
Marcus kingrescue me
the Rolling Stonesjumping jack flash
The Rolling Stonesmess it up*
the commonersThe way I am*
dea matronaI want you baby*
Black Country communionwith you I go*
Green Daydilemma
Linkin ParkFriendly fire*
the black keysevery time you leave*
Kenny Wayne sheparddeja voodoo
Stevie ray Vaughncoldshot
Eric GalesSteep Climb
Gary Clark JrWhen my train pulls inblack and blu