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To listen to this show click on the audio play button appearing at the bottom of the tracklist;
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tracks played include:
Afflecks Palace - "Hello! Is Anyone Awake?"
Blondes - "Best Friends"
Catherine Moan & Primer - "Pavement 2"
Courting - "Battle"
Daiistar - "Tracemaker"
Dehd - "Light On"
The Galileo 7 - "The Man Who Was Thursday" / "A Simple Man"
Gift - "Wish Me Away"
Girl Scout - "All The Time And Everywhere"
Kamggarn & Swedish Death Candy - "Drool"
Kamggarn & The Dead Pirates - "Persephone's Dream"
Launder - "Chipper"
Lionlimb - "Hurricane"
The Lovely Eggs - "Memory Man"
Neil Frances - "Some Kind of Static" (Alan Braxe Remix)
New Age Healers - "All Wrapped Up"
Oeil - "Born Again"
Phish - "Evolve"
Rocket - "Trial Run"
The Sewing Club - "Promise"
The Star Spangles - "I Live for Speed"
Tame Impala - "That's All For Everyone"
The Tangent - "The Single"
Tara Jane O'Neil - "Glass Island"
Vanishing Twin - "The Age of Immunology" (Version)
Velvet Meadow - "I Guess Thats The Way It Goes"