On Air

Tune in: High Low

Unclassic Rock playlist for 02/17/2024

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tracks played include:

ALDN - "2016"
Blue Ocean - "Take A Care"
The Bret Tobias Set - "Good Morning, Sunshine"
Brigid Mae Power - "Counting Down"
Bubble Tea and Cigarettes - "French Movie"
Central Pacific State Beach - "Angel Wings"
Co-Pilot - "I Am 1"
Conan Gray - "Lonely Dancers"
Courtney Farren - "Care"
Dent May & Jordana - "Coasting On Fumes"
DIIV - "Brown Paper Bag"
Dot.s - "Glossy"
Earthquake Lights - "Empty Sky"
Elephant Stone - "The Spark"
Em Beihold - "Maybe Life Is Good"
Emma Anderson - "For A Moment"
The Hanging Stars - "Sweet Light"
J. Mascis - "Can’t Believe We're Here"
Japanese Heart Software - "Passenger"
The Lemon Twigs - "They Don't Know How To Fall In Place"
Meatbodies - "Billow"
Part Time Signals - "Sunset Sunrise"
Saint Saviour - "Be Gentle"
Shadow Show - "On a Cloud"
Shaed - "Everybody Knows I'm High"
Soccer Mommy - "Here"
Steve Conte - "Shoot Out The Stars"
Summer Salt with Phum Viphurit - "Coming Home Isn't Easy"
Thomas Walsh - "Take Your Time"
Toby Keith - "Drive It on Home"