On Air

Tune in: High Low

Through A Glass Darkly playlist for 10/14/2023

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
ColdGoodbye Cruel WorldCold
Pink FloydGoodbye Cruel WorldThe Wall
Teh Rolling StonesThe Last TimeOut of Our Heads
Marilyn MansonLast Day on EarthMechanical Animals
Chris CornellPreaching the End of the WorldEuphoria Morning
The SmithereensHouse at the End of the WorldGod Save The Smithereens
Elvis CostelloWaiting for the End of the WorldMy Aim is True
R.E.M.It's the End of the World as We Know ItDocument
U2Until the End of the WorldAchtung Baby
Goerge HarrisonArt of DyingAll Things Must Pass
St. VincentThe Apocalypse SongMarry Me
The ClashArmagideon TimeBlack Market Clash
Def LeppardArmageddon ItHysteria
Black SabbathLive Forever13
Britney SpearsTill the World EndsFemme Fatale
The HivesTick Tick BoomThe Black and White Album
The DoorsThe EndThe Doors
Nena99 LuftballonsNena
EuropeThe Final CountdownThe Final Countdown
Cheap TrickAuf WiedersehenHeaven Tonight
Black SabbathParanoidParanoid
Led ZeppelinCommunication BreakdownLed Zeppelin
Led ZeppelinNo QuarterHouses of the Holy
Black SabbathSabbath Bloody SabbathSabbath Bloody Sabbath
Good RatsTastyTasty
WheatusTeenage DirtbagWheatus
Blue Oyster CultBurnin' For YouFire of UnknownOrigin
Twisted SisterRide To Live, Live To RideYou Can't Stop Rock N Roll
Vicious BeatniksSlices Of Life1990 Sampler
Head AutomaticaBrooklyn Is BurningDecadence
The Stray CatsI Won't Stand in Your WayRant N Rave
A Tribe Called QuestCan I Kick ItPeople's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
Public EnemyRebel Without a PauseIt Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
MountainNantucket Sleighride (to Owen Coffin)Nantucket Sleighride
Vanilla FudgeYou Keep Me Hangin' OnVanilla Fudge
L.I.F.E (Long Island for Ethiopia)Let's Give Them LifeSingle

First hour features songs about the end of the world, Armageddon, the Apocalypse, last days on earth. Second hour starts with more gloom and doom then closes out with a block by Danzig, Zeppelin, and Sabbath. Hour Three introduces a new segment -- Gimme Some LIP, where LIP = Long Island Performers; all artists during the third hour have LI ties.

Listen on Soundcloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/wNeUU

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