Sore Ears playlist for 09/27/2023

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Olivia Rodrigoballad of a homeschool girlGuts*
Hop AlongThe KnockPainted Shut
WednesdayFait Is...I was Trying to Describe You to Someone
Dazey and the ScoutsGroanMaggot
Hop AlongTibetan Pop StarsGet Disowned
The BreedersNo AlohaLast Splash
Swearin'Grow into a GhostFall into the Sun
Kerr Kero BonitoIf I'd KnownTime 'n' Place
Retirement PartyMeet Me in MontaukStrictly Speaking
Ski ClubCamping in My MindDownhill Daisy*
Kero Kero BonitoFlywayTime 'n' Place
Growing PainsHouseboatHeaven Spots
Career WomanJupiterJupiter*
Piss for PumpkinAll Was Beauty HerePublic Demo of Affection*
Slow PulpSlugsSlugs*
Siouxie and the BansheesArabian KnightsJuju
Squirrel FlowerFull Time JobFull Time Job / When A Plant Is Dying*
Manniquin PussyPatiencePatience
Little Big LeagueMy Very Own YouThese Are Good People.
PoiseNothing You Can SayVestiges
Forth WanderersAges AgoForth Wanderers
FiddleheadGive It Time (II)Death is Nothing to US*