Captain Phil's Planet playlist for 09/21/2023

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
ShpongleDorset Perception (Remastered)Tales Of The Inexpressible (Remastered)
District 97X-FadedStay for the Ending*
Quicksilver Night featuring DikajeePtichkaPtichka*
GrandbrothersBloomLate Reflections*
Patrick MorazLike a Child in Disguise/Rise and Fall/Symphony in the Space'Story of I'
Pablo CruiseOcean BreezePablo Cruise
UnitopiaThe UncertainSeven Chambers*
The Flower KingsLook at you NowLook at you Now*
Hank StoneBuilding CommunityPainting Tomorrow's Skies Blue
Join the exploration of a fascinating cultural phenomenon. The legacy of the Eagle Transporter from Space:1999 reflects the dreams of a generation. It also embodies a nostalgia for a future that never occurred, yet still resonates today.
ProgStock 2023, which will take place October 6-8, 2023 at our new home, the Williams Center in Rutherford, New Jersey, is the seventh edition of an annual volunteer-run event whose mission is to shine light on one of the most exciting and creative genres of rock music, Progressive Rock.