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Global Rhythms playlist for 06/08/2023

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Peter GabrielDon't Break This Rhythm
Peter GabrielDown to EarthSoundtrack to WALL-E
Firesign TheaterStation BreakShoes for Industry
Louden Wainwright IIIHELLLifetime Achievement
Celestial NavigationsThe Lunch StopChapter II
James KeelaghanThe Fires of CalaisHistory: The First 25 Years
The PlattersSmoke Gets in Your Eyes
The Paul McKenna BandCold Missouri WatersElements
David FranceyIntroduction/Lucky ManThe First Set
Bruce CockburnFascist ArchitectureYou Pay Your Money and You Take Your Chance
Bruce CockburnLast Night of the World
Crosby, Stills and NashTo the Last Whale/Critical Mass/Wind on the WaterBox Set
The BeatlesOctopus' GardenAbbey Road
Midnight OilReefResist
Midnight OilProgressSpecies Deceases
Woody AllenMechanical ObjectsStandup Comic
Firesign TheaterKamikazee MotorsEat or be Eaten
Steve EarleThe Revolution Starts NowThe Revolution Starts Now
Tom RussellThe Last RunningThe Rose of Roscrae
Tom RussellIron Eyes CodyGunpowder Sunset
Jim RadfordThe Shores of Normandy

The Smoky Canadian Daze, D-Day + 79, To the Last Reef and Whale and Running of the Last Buffalo Edition.