On Air

Tune in: High Low

Recess playlist for 04/05/2023

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Lauren DaigleWaiting
Belle and SebastianDo you Follow
ScorpionsYour Light
QueenThe Prophets Song
George HarrisonThe Art of Dying
BostonWalk on
Van MorrisonTry For Sleep
RushLa Villa Strangiato
TwiceThe Feels
AleXaBack in Vogue
Miley CyrusFlowers
Blue Oyster CultReaper
Humble PieI'm Ready
Good RatsReason to Kill
Kings xMoanjam
Greg EdmonsonAtlantis of the Sands
Danny BaranouskyForest Funk
Billy Howerdel & Larry HopkinsWhiplash
VALENTINE, SummetDisorganizationIntrospection
Soda Island, Avionics, RefraQNeon JungleNeon Jungle
MorphineCandyCure For Pain
James FerraroWhite BroncoSkid Row
Young FathersI SawHeavy Heavy*
The SundaysHere's Where the Story Ends
RadioheadJustThe Bends (collectors edition)
NirvanaThe Man Who Sold The WorldUnplugged
Inner WaveRose
josh panundefeated
Inner WaveEstrella
MoutheMusique d'ascenseur