On Air

Spiney Norman playlist for 11/23/2022

the volcanoswhirlpool
the routespistolero
Montesasrc cola
ray collins' hot-clubweek party
larry moorehooray for weekends
les robotsyou got what I want
Jimmy McCracklinchicken scratch
Raunch Handschicken scratch
the atmospheresthe fickle chicken
Roy Montrelloooh-wow
grace love and the true lovesfire
the astronettesfirewaters of alpha gabba
Marcel Bontempispiderman
the surfiteslittle rocket mill
the mighty gordinistrapped like rats in space
jimmy nolanthe way you do
salami suxfuzzy surf
The Guess Whobelieve me
the wylde mamothsi'm going out
gullse minor
magicswake up
corettesedge of my nerves
The Obliviansi'm not a sicko I have a plate in my head
Thee Hydrogen Terrorsplate in my head
human toysplate in my head
the majesticshard times
the krontjong devilsgansters
jim head and his del raysharem bells
dolly cooperay la bah
the sino heartsmandarin a go-go
the suttlesfirst time
gerry bright and the stokerspsycho sonic
the crawliesback to blank days
santosthat's why i love
little estherif it's news to you
the razorbillsrossito's revenge
Betty O'Brienshe'll be gone
Paul Ankalove me warm and tender