On Air

Tune in: High Low

Suburban Hymns playlist for 10/26/2022

Beastie Boysgroove holmes
BauhausBela Lugosi's dead
Depeche Modedeath's door
Iron Maidennumber of the beast
Metallicacreeping death
Primusmy name is mud
The Policespirits in the material world
Psychedelic Fursghost in you
Pearl JamAlive/Once/Footsteps (momma-son trilogy)
The Clashdeath or glory
Meat Puppetsbackwater
Nirvanaon a plain
Smashing Pumpkinssilverfuck
Slowdivesouvlaki space station
My Bloody Valentinesoon
Sun Dialmagic potion
Slintnosferatu man
The Cureand nothing is forever*
The Vervespace and time
Sonic Youthpeace attack
The Sea And Cakelost in autumn
Soul Asylumblack gold
Spacehogin the meantime
Superchunklike a fool
Sugarif I can't change your mind
Blind Melontones of home
The Breedershappiness is a warm gun
Galaxie 500I can't believe it's me
The Replacementsleft of the dial