Clam Radio playlist for 01/27/2022

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
Ronnie SpectorTry Some Buy SomeCome and Get ItApple Records
Smash MouthWho’s There?Astro Lounge
PoliceSynchronicity 1SynchronicityA & M Records
TabaccoA Cilla Sigh Been Root SituatiomA Presbyter's Dementiaf/x Records
They Must Be GiantsShe Thinks She’s Edith HeadMink Car
Human RadioMonkey SuitHuman Radio
Alphabet CityWe’re Gonna FlyThanx 4 The X's
Glenn TilbrookParallel WorldsThe Incomplete Glen Tilbrook
Frank ZappaFrogs With Dirty Little LipsThem or UsBarking Pumpkin
DJ - TalkDJ - Talk
Al JarreauAc-Cent-Cthulhu-Ate the PositiveAccentuate The Positive
Louis Jordan and His Tympany FiveYou Dyed Your Hair ChartreuseSwingsation
Johnny Guitar WatsonI Need ItThe Best Of Johnny Guitar Watson
Donald FagenNew FrontierThe NightflyWarner Bros
Ray CharlesGreenbacksThe Ray Charles Story
John LennonRip It Up / Ready TeddyRock ‘n RollEMI
Susan DevitaTeddy Take Me To The CityKama Sutra RodeoMaple City Record
DashinaKava SviriBerklee School Of Music
DJ - TalkDJ - Talk
The Firesign TheatreThe Golden HineEverything You Know Is WrongColumbia
The VegetariansSpaceship EarthSingle*
Paul MccartneyGet StartedEgypt Station
TabaccoYou Lazy DemonSongs From Cassettes*f/x Records
Steve MartinSchrodinger’s CatPure Drivel
DJ - TalkDJ - Talk
The CardigansHappy Meal IlFirst Band On The Moon
XTCThat WaveNonsuchVirgin (UK)
Peter KearnsSpeeclessNo SuchThing As Time
Rory PhillipsThe TruthSingle*Youtube
Arturo SandovalLa Virgen de la MacarenaTrumpet Evolution
Martin MullBirds Got To SwimSex and ViolinsABC
Jill SobuleThe Girl in the AffairJill Sobule
Edie AdamsThat’s AllThe Dezi and Lucy Comedy HourYoutube
Frank ZappaWhat Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning200 Motels (50th Anniversary)
DJ - TalkDJ - Talk
Vince Gauraldi TrioSkatingA Charlie Brown Christmas

It’s hard to say why these tunes were played but they were. Hopefully you’ll find it enjoyable. If not, there’s always moms Apple pie.