Natural Alternative Series


The long running Natural Alternatives Series at WUSB, airing at 6PM every Friday, is proud to welcome new guest host John Scardina. John is a long time educator and psychologist deeply steeped in Native American traditions and connections. John’s premier show will air on August 20. Tune in as he celebrates not only his birthday, but our understanding and connection to the Earth. John delves into what “natural alternatives” actually means at its core, and continues on with a rousing discussion which ranges from Walt Whitman to William James, segueing to John Muir, Sierra Club founder, all the way to Paul Tillich and Gary Snyder.

This far-ranging discussion will pull the pieces together about our human connection to nature, revolving around the Alan Watts quote “We are nature”. He will also share some original music and play his meditation bell and recorder to set the tone.

Join us in the sacred space he creates on August 20, at 6PM.