RED HEAVEN Director Talks Mars Simulation on THE SOUNDS OF FILM


RED HEAVEN Director Katherine Gorringe Joins Tom Needham on THE SOUNDS OF FILM

A very timely film, RED HEAVEN explores what humans need to be happy, healthy, and sane. A crew of six non-astronauts from all over the world, chosen for their ability to survive isolation, embark on a one year mission in the Mars simulation station in a 1000 square foot dome on the red, rocky slope of a Hawaiian volcano in order to provide much-needed research for the future of space exploration. Survive, experiment, exercise, collect data, file surveys… repeat. How does their mood and mental health change over time in this prescient exploration of self-imposed quarantine?

RED HEAVEN screens at the Port Jefferson Documentary Film on Monday, May 24, 2021 (Raindate: Next Day). “Doors” open at 7:30PM and the movie starts at sundown Harborfront Park off of E. Broadway Port Jefferson, New York, 11777.

For more information, visit

Airs Thursday, May 20, 6-8 PM.