On Air

Tune in: High Low

Jim Dexter playlist for 10/06/2020

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Michael WhalenA Metaphysical MorningSacred Spaces*
Michael WhalenSacred SpacesSacred Spaces*
Brian EnoStarsApollo- Atmospheres & Soundtracks
OVRFRWDStar StuffStar Stuff*
Out of the BeardspaceLunar PullEndless Pursuit
Steve KatsikasSleep is for Longer DaysHidden Village*
Little AtlasHollowHollow
Laila BialiGlass HouseOut of Dust
F. Burgmüllerstrom surge L' Orage Op. 109
Joe Deninzon & StratospheeriusStorm SurgeStorm Surge*
Melanie Mau & Martin SchnellaAls Ich Fortging (Karussell)Through The Decades
Melanie Mau & Martin SchnellaMiracles Out Of Nowhere (Kansas)Through The Decades*
Melanie Mau & Martin SchnellaAnd You And I (Yes)Through The Decades*
Laura Mulcahy1849Sunken Cemetery*
Spock's BeardRearrangedSpock's Beard

Captain Phil making Tuesday progressive! Filling in for Jim Dexter!