On Air

Tune in: High Low

CPP Presents Aaron Clift, Joe Deninzon, Robert Shepard &Cmdr Roy


Thursday, September 10, 2020
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Next up on Captain Phil's Planet join us as we celebrate the next two ProgStock presents (https://www.progstock.com/2020/) featuring Joe Deninzon and Stratospheerius (September 12th http://Stratospheerius.com) Aaron Clift (September 19th www.aaronclift.com) and Rob Shepard of Manticore (September 19th www.ManticoreNY.com)

We'll also hear from our friend Cmdr Roy about Roy's Tie-Dye Sci-Fi Corner (https://www.facebook.com/roystiedyescificorner/) upcoming Facebook show celebrating Space: 1999 on September 13th 2020!

Roy's Tie-Dye Sci-Fi on at 3:05pm
Joe Deninzon on at 3:30pm
Aaron Clift on at 4:00pm
Rob Shepard of Manticore on at 4:40pm
Joe Deninzon and Stratospheerius

For more information, visit the Captain Phil Planet's Facebook event. https://www.facebook.com/events/2657639911168201