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Smooth Jazz Radio playlist for 09/01/2020

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Carlos EnriquezCuchifritoThe Bronx Pyramid
Chris SotoPacific BlueGuitar Expressions*
Randy ScottJoyrideJoyride*
Jackiem JoynerRoad to Soul*
Bach and KillianSweet Like CandyBroken Promises*
Rocco VentrellaFeeling The Breeze*
Randy Brecker and Eric MarienthalDouble Dealin'Double Dealin'*
Adam HawleyEscapeEscape*
Sean UMagic HourXLR8*
Jacob WebbThe Coast is Clear*
Riley RichardDon't Wanna Let Go*
Nathan MitchellPlay The Groove
Paul BrownNotoriousOnes Upon A Time*
Blair BryantPower UpReg Tiger*
Thr Smooth Jazz AlleyEBFLet's Ride*
SolexRideSmooth Ride*
Kei ChaneyJazz Times*
Danny RaeGimme A CallGimme A Call*
Blake AaronDaylight*
Gino RosiariaSunday 3PMStill Waters Run Deep*
Bob BaldwinBack to BasicsNew Urban Jazz 3*
WaKaNaGo for The Sound*
Brian CulbertsonKeep MovinXX Radio Edits*
Dee LucasFeeling YouThe Time Is Now*
Citrus SunThinking of You*
Skinny HightowerForceBlue Moon*

Smooth Jazz Radio, hosted by George Rudolph, brings the latest releases and sounds from the world of Jazz to the airwaves of WUSB 90.1, 107.3 and WUSB.FM. Smooth Jazz Radio playlists are posted on Twitter at George Rudolph @theloftwusb and on InstaGram at GeorgeRudolph1.