On Air

Trim Mix Party playlist for 04/23/2010

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)LabelLink
cutsupremerest in peace(set your soul free)the trial*mad knights vapor worldzwusb.fm
9th prince feat rzaon the rise#15*wusb.fm
little brother feat torae24#14*wusb.fm
yualmost time#13*wusb.fm
nockturnal artist lois logicwhat you want#12*wusb.fm
louis logicbroken record#11*wusb.fm
murrs feat 9th wonderwhat the problem is#10*wusb.fm
sadat x feat pete rockturn it up#9*
cnc squadmarked for death#8*
murs feat korrupt 9th woderforenever#7*wusb.fm
marco polo feat ruste juxxnobody#6*
aztech and ethah feat big shugcome and go#5*
army of the pharrows feat apathy reef the lost cause celph titledbustem in#4*
american poets 2099 feat c ray wallzmurderous#3*
eric lau feat oddiseeno regrets#2*
strong arm steady feat phontebest of times#1*
gangstaryou know my steez
ed ogi got to have it
ed og feat pete rock jaysaunstop that

fes taylor and staten island all stars special guests this week with big earth nd anubis guru rest in peace special guru tribute and ed og showcase on vapor radio segmant plus a wild freestyle session