On Air

Tune in: High Low

Jim Dexter playlist for 05/19/2020

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Amaran's PlightShattered DreamsVoice in the Light
Premiata Forneria MarconiFour Holes in the GroundThe World became the World
SimakdialogLain ParantinaThe 6th Story
EggEnneagramThe Civil Surface
Katzen KapellHingsten I
Frogg CafeGagutzCreatures From The Black Saloon
Frogg CafeLeave of AbsintheThe Safenzee Diaries
Bent KneeNakamiSay So
Bent KneeSkinShiny Eyed Babies
Tom BrislanMicrophoneHurry Up and Smell the Roses
Tom BrislanSanitize Your Phone and Remote Control*
EVT KidsLávate Las Manos*
Frances Dunnery VampiresOnce Around The WorldVampires

Captain Phil Filling in for Jim Dexter! Frogg Cafe! Tom Brislan! Bent Knee! Chck it out!