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Tune in: High Low

Suburban Hymns playlist for 03/18/2020

Beastie Boysgroove holmes
BjorkIt's oh so quiet
The SmithsPanic
The HooterAll you zombies
Metallicacreeping death
Anthraxamong the living
Iron Maiden2 minutes to midnight
Joy Divisionatrocity exhibition
Princesign o' the times
Public Image Ltd.The Body
The Policewhen the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around
Beckgo it alone
Th Curegrinding halt
Nirvanastay away
Audioslaveshape of things to come
Alice in ChainsI stay way
Mad Seasonall alone
RadioheadMy iron lung
Pink Floydgoodbye blue sky
The Doorsstrange days
Eelsend times
R.E.M.fall on me/it's the end of the world as we know it
PJ Harvey & Thom Yorkethe mess we're in
Pink Floydgoodbye blue sky
The Cureone hundred years
The Specialsghost town (12")
The Clashlost in a supermarket
Big Audio Dynamite IIRush
Devobig mess
Depeche Modeshake the disease
New Orderleave me alone
Joy Divisionisolation
The Vervethe drugs don't work
The Black Crowesremedy (acoustic)
Black FlagTV Party
Beastie Boysremote control
The Jamgoing underground
The Flaming LipsDo you realize??
Bob MarleyTime will tell
Porno For PyrosSadness

Pandemic Playlist