WUSB Recess playlist for 08/07/2019

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
AbjectsThe StormNever Give Up*
Amyl and The SniffersShake YaAmyl and The Sniffers*
BrutusHorde VNest*
GreysArc LightAge Hasn't Spoiled You*
The CoathangersCrimson TelephoneThe Devil You Know*
Control TopPrismCovert Contracts*
PUPBloody Mary, Kate and AshleyMorbid Stuff*
InstituteDeadlockReadjusting the Locks*
Queen ZeeHunger PainsQueen Zee*
Uranium ClubMichael's SoliloquyThe Cosmo Cleaners*
black midibmbmbmSchlagenheim*
Fontaines D.C.Too RealDogrel*
NeckingRoverCut Your Teeth*
Queens of the Stone AgeThe Evil Has LandedVillains

All new punk music!

All songs below can be found on Spotify