On Air

Tune in: High Low

Suburban Hymns playlist for 06/26/2019

Beastie Boysgroove holmes
Chris Cornellblack hole sun
Pearl JamAlive
Smashing Pumpkins1979
OasisDon't look back in anger
Nirvanasmells like teen spirit
Nine Inch Nailshead like a hole
MaeSkyline Drive
Two Man AdvantageFast Car
Mos DefTraveling Man
Get Up KidsMass Pike
Easy Star All-Starsairbag
a tribe called questI left my wallet in El Segundo
Dead Milkmenbitchin' camaro
The Doorsqueen of the highway
The Modern Loversroadrunner
U2 featuring Johnny CashThe Wanderer
RushRed barchetta
Toots & The MaytalsTake A Trip
Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray CyrusOld Town Road
Led ZeppelinOver The Hills and Far Away
WeenAlcan Road
The Early NovemberSunday Drive
The BeatlesDay Tripper
YellowcardOcean Avenue
Talking Headsroad to nowhere
Dave Edmundscrawling from the wreckage
The Normalwarm leatherette
PavementBox Elder
The Replacementskiss me on the bus
The Clashbrand new cadillac
Judas Priestheading out to the highway
The Honey Drippersimpeach the president

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3-5 Road Songs