Horrorscope playlist for 06/01/2019

pink floydinterstellar overdrive
Abul MogardDropping off (dropdead remix)*
BorisAkuma no Uta -gensho (horrorscope mix)*
eric copeland/dropdeadwitch screeches*
katsu kitchiyaparanoid (black sabbath)
eric copelandthoth biirtch
aphex twincheetah2
bibioold graffiti*
Say No! To Architecturedetainees (horrorscope trillmix)
Nate YoungHUman Food*
black lodge crewTHE PINK ROOM
SLUT RIVERdoublevcard (horrorscope remix)*
Melvinsgoing blind
black dicesynapse synapse
Surfbort!billy (horrorscope mix)*
weeni was nothin
BorisRiot Sugar
Thee ShatnersMr. Sulu/damn your fucking world
black lipsit wont be long (beatles cover)
Tyler the CreatorEarthquake*
Seth GrahamHint*
the stimsfun/stim wave*
black lips n kahn familyplay safe (horrorscope mix)*
rusted shutEZ LIFE
DROPDEADlife is good*