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Suburban Hymns playlist for 05/01/2019

Beastie Boysgroove holme
Jesus & Mary Chainfar gone and out
Sonic Youthbull in the heather
Porno For Pyroscursed female/cursed male
David Bowiethe width of a circle
Moonage Daydream
john frusciantemurderers
Red Hot Chili Peppersknock me down
PrimusJerry was a race car driver
butthole surferspepper
James Brownnight train
The Meterscissy strut
Lou DonaldsonIt's your thing
Beastie Boysjimmy james
Jimi Hendirx experienceif 6 was 9
The Bandchest fever
The BeatlesBaby, you're a rich man
The Black Keysshe said, she said
The Velvet UndergroundOh! Sweet Nuttin'
David BowieWaiting for the Man
Smashing Pumpkinsdrown
Rideleave them all behind
The CureA forest (live 1992)
The figurehead (live 1992)
10:15 a Saturday night (live 2011)
RadioheadParanoid Android
Cocateau Twinswax and wane
New Orderleave me alone
Echo & the Bunnymenbring on the dancing horses
The Smithsi know it's over