The Spectrum playlist for 11/17/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Giants at largeCarle Place 11pmPlace & Time
Giants at largePenn station 1amPlace & Time
Giants at largeBabylon Line 8pmPlace & Time
Giants at largeFarmingdale 3amPlace & Time
Giants at largeEast Meadow 4amPlace & Time
Trace Your StepsAdolescent AntidepressantBeating hearts and uncertainty
GutterlifeDropping BombsDon't sleep
turnovercutting my fingers offPeripheral Vision
PerimeterNever let you goShattered
The dear hunterlightAct V: Hymns With the Devil in Confessional
QueenLeaving home ain't easyJazz (deluxe remastered edition)
WaterparksHawaii (Stay Awake)Double dare
Transityoung new englandyoung new england
Pinegroveold friendscardinal

Interview with Giants At Large and Louis Navas (Blacklist Collective)
Mixed rock/metal