On Air

Tune in: High Low

sub.rad playlist for 10/25/2009

teddy rubskinhistory of video games part 1
?all your base techno remix
GekkoChipbreak Track 3 mstr*
atariatari 2600 ad
Azop CorpAtari Means Death*
teddy rubskinhistory of video games part 2
turbografix 16tg-16 ad
Er EightnacjaNaznaczony Jazgotem Rzeczywistosci W Nieladzie Zycia Zewnetrznego*
Substance BCette saloperie me bouffe le cerveau*
Mark SwiftSpoon 1 Fast*
nintendones commercial
CJ NoksInsane Pill*
MinimanMind voyager*
atariatari ad 2
MinimanIn 8 bit we trust*
pixel_play?ode to "dead pixel"*
atariatari ad 3
P-R-ZMario Love Breakcore*
MinimanBasic idea*
nintendogame boy commercial
Lactation SandwichSuper Robbin' Hoody*
MinimanV for love 2.0*
Miracle PotionAngkutan Kota*
AapFast a Bit*
nintendofaxanadu theme
segasonic theme
MinimanArcade isn't dead*
CCDMBaroque Bit*
MinimanLittle melody*
atarilynx commercial
The AdventureUltra Zone
atarijungle hunt commercial
Lego Bit BoySunshine Island*
Mental D-structionThe Stupid Brainstorming Song*
nintendorc pro am theme
Aap8-bit Sauce*
Thank FusciaThere's A Gameboy In My Pocket*
atarijourney escape commercial
AapTurd Eating Cat*
segaghouls n ghosts graveyard theme
fish, the8mf*
?pac man fever
AapPool of Bits*
ataripitfall commercial
ENAYone bit two bit eight*
nintendoducktales theme
AapGarret Weldon*
ataripole position commercial
masterHDsuper mario world castle theme trance remix*
segagensis does... commercial
AapDrap de Plage*
nintendoninja gaiden theme
theonemattbvideo games
Sonic DeadhorseDead2558bit*
Tim Balista260.36*
the amoebaShitting Lego Bricks*
the amoebaEvil! Satan!*
the amoebasuper nerd*
the amoebaI have a drill on my nose*
the amoebayellow is the color of the sun*

special 'video game' edition, celebrating the Atari 2600's 32nd birthday!!!