Live from WUSB playlist for 08/19/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Fright Pigre:CreationOut of the Barnyard
Frogg CafeLOALive from the BACCA
Fright PigIncident at PembrokeOut of the Barnyard
Fright PigThe Meaning of DreamsOut of the Barnyard
Fright PigBaroque at the LuneOut of the Barnyard
KnifeworldI Am LostBottled Out of Eden*
ManningThe DreamA Matter of Life and Death
KnifeworldThe Germ InsideBottled Out of Eden*
KotebelI Adagio MaestosoConcerto for Piano and Electric Enselble
KotebelII. Lento CantabileConcerto for Piano and Electric Enselble
KotebelIII. Vivo ScherzandoConcerto for Piano and Electric Enselble
KotebelIV. Allegro ModeratoConcerto for Piano and Electric Enselble

Phil Merkel filling in from 9pm to 11pm! What will happen and where has Captain Phil gone?