On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

Freequence playlist for 08/09/2016

Psychic IllsAnother Change*
Elvis DepressedlyUp in the Air*
FialtaAnother Lonely Heart*
Fujiya and MiyagiTo the Last Beat of My Heart*
Dj ShadowMidnight
GorillazOn Melancholy Hill
Paul McCartneyNew
WilcoI'm Always in Love
Elliott SmithNew Monkey
Chad VanGaalenOld Man and the Sea
Chris CohenDrink from a Silver Cup*
allah-lasfamous phone figure*
Big ThiefInterstate*
Ultimate PaintingRiverside*
RadioheadDecks Dark*
Soft VisionWalpurgisnacht
Gold PandaIn My Car*
DeakinGood House
big dealavalanche*
lennon claypoolbreath of a salesmen*
Guided by VoicesDefeatists Lament*
The BeatlesYou Never Give Me Your Money
Elvis CostelloBeat