On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

Freequence playlist for 06/28/2016

young magiclucien*
pity sexburden you*
car seat headrestVincent*
pavementstarlings of the slipstream
modest mouseworkin' on leavin the living
wilcoat least that's what you said
leaplingalabaster snow*
elvis depressedlyslip*
unknown mortal orchestra*
laser backgroundtropic of cancer*
thundercatlone wolf and cub
cameron gravesplanetary prince*
eric dolphyiron man
charles mingusdevil's blues
chris cohenas if apart*
airplayground love
mac demarcome and jon hanging on
jonothan richmangive paris one more chance
deerhoofkafe mania*
the ramonescalifornia sun
the feeliesraised eyebrows
heatmisercruel reminder
guided by voicesthe grasshopper eaters*
kurt vilebeach on the moon
george harrisondark horse