Salvage & Recovery Radio playlist for 06/20/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
Steve HoranMeet John oMi Mi MiSelf
TinariwenImidiwan Ahi SigidamLive in Paris 2014*
Imago MundiSuch-i-sahar (Zori de ziua/Dawn)Isvor, Dimitrie Cantemir
Irina LoghinIlincuta SandruluiSpune Maiculita Spune
Little RickGuh DownBarbados Boat Mix
Kero Kero BonitoBreak*
Prince RamaXtreme Now EnergyXtreme Now*
!!!Every Little Bit CountsAs If*
The Louvin BrothersThe Great Atomic PrayerWeapon of Prayer
Jim LauderdaleTake Me Down a Path (My Heart Won't Know)Whisper
George Jones & Tammy WynetteIf God Met YouOne
Chet AtkinsJam Man
Anne Murray & k d langA Love Song
RadioheadDaydreamingA Moon Shaped Pool*
RadioheadTinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man ThiefA Moon Shaped Pool*
The JamAnd Your Bird Can Sing
DeerhunterCarrionFading Frontier*
The ThermalsIn Every WayWe Disappear*
Meat PuppetsOut in the GardenerMeat Puppets
FugaziWaiting Room
Hunters & CollectorsTender Kinder BabyHunters & Collectors
Missing PersonsI Like BoysMissing Persons
PrinceVicki WaitingBatman Motion Picture Soundtrack
David BowieSpace Oddity (Original Demo)
P M DawnThe Beautiful (Cotxetxe Remix)
Lionel RichieAll Night Long (Mr Absolutt Rework)
Cyndi LauperHat Full of Stars
Brian WilsonSong for ChildrenSmile
Brian WilsonChild is Father of the ManSmile
The She'sYou Still Believe in MeThe Reverberation Appreciation Society - A Tribute to Pet Sounds*
SantigoldRun the Races99c*
Elvis Costello & the I'sRadio SilenceWhen I Was Cruel