A Woman's Perspective On Politics playlist for 05/30/2016

Dianne ReevesDreams
Simon & GarfunkelThe Dangling Conversation
John GorkaBright Side of Down
LecraeI Wouldn't Know
Kendrick LamarHow Much A Dollar Cost
cast of HamiltonThe Room Where It Happens*
cast of HamiltonSatisfied*
cast of HamiltonIt's Quiet Uptown*
AdeleMillion Years Ago
Charles AznavourYesterday When I Was Young
Princess PeapodColor
Mark KnopflerBroken Bones
Ciaran LaveryBlood Red Fist*
Phil MinissaleLet Me Explain
Miles To DaytonBroken Bones*
the ProclaimersLove Can Move Mountains
Blues MagoosThere's A Chance We Can Make It*
Bob NewhartBus Driver School
Brian WilsonThe Right Time
Brothers NylonAttack of the Shift-Shaper

Bob Longman, on-line fill