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Purple Starlight playlist for 05/16/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Bebo Valdescachao, creador del mamboBebo de Cuba
Bebo ValdesDevocionBebo de Cuba
Le RexMole's Dream of the PrairieWild Man*
Le RexHome AloneWild Man*
ThingSketch Parts 1 And 2V/A - Boston Creative Jazz Scene 1970-1983*
ThingRoad Through The Wall Parts 2 & 3V/A - Boston Creative Jazz Scene 1970-1983*
William Parker, Hamid Drake, Eri Yamamoto, Rob Brown, Lewis BarnesPotpourriGreat Spirit*
Jon Benjamin "Jazz Daredevil"I Can't Play Piano, Pt. 1Well, I should have*
Jon Benjamin "Jazz Daredevil"I Can't Play Piano, Pt. 2Well, I should have*
B.B. KingShe's DynamiteSam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll*
Jerry Lee LewisHello Hello BabySam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll*
Jerry Lee LewisWhole Lot of Shakin' Going OnSam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll*
Johnny CashBig RiverSam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll*
Johnny CashHey PorterSam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock 'n' Roll*
Medeski Martin & WoodDopplerFree Magic
Medeski Martin & Wood with Cyro BaptistaPartido AltoLive 10.31.2005
Marc RibotCaravanRequiem for What's His Name
Electric Masada/John ZornKaraimAt The Mountains Of Madness
Sex MobLive and Let DieSingle
Herbie HancockChameleonHead Hunters

Alternating Monday mornings 2-4am.