The Spectrum playlist for 05/05/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Iron Maidendances of deathfrom fear to eternity- The best of 1990-2010
Black Sabbaththe wizardBlack Sabbath
Metallicafight fire with fire (Remastered))Ride the Lightening (Deluxe edition))*
rushyyzMoving Pictures 2011 remaster
Kansashold onthe essential kansas
radioheadburn the witch*
erydancollapsusthe arc*
peripheryalphajuggernaut alpha
chimp spannerDark age of technologyAll roads lead here
Sky sanctuaryinsert coin(s) [zone 1]insert coin(s)
wide eyesrenaissanceterraforming*
ollocshorizonlife thread

80's metal, rock, progressive metal (mostly instrumental)