On Air

Spiney Norman playlist for 04/20/2016

equalspolice on my back
larry wallisI'm a police car
belairdssquad car
big beatsunder arrest
prince busterunder arrest
esqurita10-4 calling all cars
nat king colecall the police
hi fidelitieshelp murder police
thursday's childrenhelp murder police
cockney rejectspolice car
dead kennedyspolice truck
the afflictedhere come the cops
the membersi'm a police car
the digpolice car
Tragic Mulattotac squad
niel diamondthe pot smoker's song
gene marshallsmoke it the pot
Buthole Surfersbong song
collins kidswhistle bait
don johnstonwhistle bait
spade cooley and his bandwhistle bait
billy wallacewolf call
the tadswolf call
elviswolf call
Henry Thomewolf bait
rocky morganwolf whistle baby
maddox brothers and rosestop whistling wolf
al barklewolf wolf
4 mintswolf
Peter Jefferieswhere the flies sleep*
femigoneyour heart will be mine*
frankie cosmosif i had a dog*
Atlantic Thrillson your own*
v2nothing to do*
the thingspieces of you*