The Spectrum playlist for 04/14/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
good charlottelifestyles of the rich and famousthe young and the hopeless
ROAMHopeless CAsebackbone*
yellowcardlift a saillift a sail
The story so farnerveThe story so far
Broadsidedamaged kidsold bones
knuckle puckpretensecopacetic
real friendscolder quickercolder quicker*
waterparksmad all the timecluster
sum 41with meunderclass hero
Beartoothin betweenDisgusting (Deluxe edition)*
grayscaletensewhat we're missing*
grayscalepalettewhat we're missing*
grayscalemidwestwhat we're missing*
grayscalesay somethingwhat we're missing*
grayscalechange - alternate versionwhat we're missing*
grayscalecatholicwhat we're missing*
grayscalebloomwhat we're missing*
grayscaleirish curtainswhat we're missing*
grayscaleaugust lovewhat we're missing*
mementowhat you really meant*
Older than OceansHindsight Isn't Always 20-20
check engine lightportraitsNothing More to Me EP*
I Dreamt the SeaconfidantSay What You Mean/mean what you say
restwellshattered handshumanly speaking EP
champfear notdecide
ashes in the skytorn away (feat. Tim Kohn)*

Pop punk, Artist spotlight/interview (Grayscale), Long island pop punk, long island metalcore