On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

Freequence playlist for 04/05/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
TelevisionGuiding LightMarquee Moon
Bill FrisellRumbleGuitar in the Space Age*
Talking HeadsRoad to Nowhere
Andrew BirdPuma*
Brian Jonestown MassacreLeave It Alone*
M. WardSlow Driving Man*
David BowieFive YearsThe Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
Holy WaveWendy Go RoundFreaks of Nurture*
Youth LagoonMute
AlvvaysAtop a Cake
Nada SurfAnimalsYou Know Who You Are*
Dr. DogThe Breeze
BeckSunday SunSea Change
The WhoTatoo
Guided by VoicesAuditorium
Guided by VoicesMotor Away
MinutemenThe World According to Nouns
MinutemenLove Dance
Yesterday's New QuintetDice Game
A Tribe Called QuestSteve Biko (Stir It Up)