On Air

Hot Wax
Tune in: High Low

Freequence playlist for 03/08/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Elliott Smith
wilcohandshake drugs
Pillar Pointlafayette*
pillar pointplaytime*
battlesdot netla di da di*
ashtray boypainted with the mouth*
good morningoverslept*
martin courtneynorthern highway*
dr. dogdead record playerthe psychedelic swamp*
dan auerbachmean monsoonkeep it hid
iggy poppost pop depression*
modest mousea different citythe moon and antarctica
animal collectiveleafhouse
broken social scenei slept with bonhomie at the abcfeel good lost
radiohead15 step
prefuse 73open nerve farewellsRivington Não Rio*
quasimotogood morning sunshinethe unseen
j dillaintrodonuts
mac demarcogoodbye weekendsalad days
fergus and geronimono parties
the ramonesgonzo goes to bitburg
the gaslight anthemgreat expectations
jessica lee mayfieldoblivious
bright eyesbowl of oranges