WUSB Alternatives playlist for 02/08/2016

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)Label
De Jeugd Van TegenwoordigManon
Dream FiendAdrenaline*
ElseAbout You feat. AEther*
D-NoiseDead Worlds*
Nick LeroyMoteville*
Bart GraftCrystal Tokyo*
SNBRNBeat the Sunrise ft. Andrew Watt (Steve Void remix)*
QuokAtariwave*Night Owl Collective
SPACE MAGIC スペース マジックContinuum*
KYKOAnimals (wolfskind remix)*
Alternative RadioCapitalism in the Age of TechnologyAlternative Radio

DJ Mondian here. just sorta filling this space. didn't feel like leaving yet, and had a bunch of new music to play. wheeee note: the alternative radio track listed at the bottom was interspersed between a bunch of songs