On Air

Tune in: High Low

Progressive Solutions playlist for 01/12/2016

OUR SHOW TOMORROW TUESDAY 1-3PM EST will be the very first edition of Progressive Solutions! After 9 years of lifting up far too many rocks to examine the seedy underbelly of the beast that is the USA empire, it is time to shift perspective. So yes, everything is broken, but rather than sit back and take it where it hurts the most, perhaps we will find solace and knowledge in groups and individuals that are speaking truth to power with words and deeds.
Joining us will be Caril Phang. Caril manages multilateral projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. A graduate of the University of Toronto, Phang specializes in globalism, equity, and discourses, and has been published by the United Nations, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and The New York Times. Her latest book, Birth of a Beat: How Kana:ta' Creates World Music, is available from Kobo, or at www.wordsedge.world. She will be speaking to us from Toronto.
LIVE STREAM: www.wusb.fm