The Brunch playlist for 11/18/2015

tennisIM Callin'
TennisViv without the N
DucktailsSedan MAgic
MuseFeeling Good
KlaxonsGravity Rainbow
KlaxonsAtlantis to interzone
Queens Of the Stone AgeEverybody KNows your insane
QOTSA3's and 7's
clutchThe Mob Goes wild
the heavy eyesIRon Giants
The Heavy EyesVoytek
Does it offend you, YEah?with a heavy heart
TV on the radioDancing Choose
Daft PunkFragments of Time
Flying LotusAstral Plane
RooseveltHold on
RooseveltNight Moves
Death From Above 1979Cheap Talk
TuxedoDo it
Tame IMpalaNew person, same old mistakes
The mooney SuzukiAlive and Amplified
QueenAnother one bites the dust
The DoorsLight my Fire
The stone rosesMAde of Stone
WeenMutilated Lips
Florence and the MAchienThird Eye