Fermented Radio playlist for 10/23/2015

ArtistTitleAlbum (* = New Release)
Thelonious MonkIn Walked BudUnderground
George Wallington QuintetFoster DullesJazz For The Carriage Trade
Phil WoodsLive on WCWP back in 1998Radio Interview
The Phil Woods & The Festival OrchestraReet's NeetCelebration
Les PaulHow High The MoonMulti-Trackin' (LP)
Les PaulLoverMulti-Trackin' (LP)
Les Paul & Mary FordThe Poor People Of ParisThe Fabulous Les Paul & Mary Ford
Michael Braunstein -Executive Director Les Paul Foundation11:05 am - 11:50am - Michael on Les PaulLive Radio Interview
Les Paul & Mary FordWaitin' So LongSwingin' South (LP)
Les Paul & Mary FordI Just Don't UnderstandSwingin' South (LP)
Les Paul & Mary FordHam 'N GritsSwingin' South (LP)

Friday 10am to Noon

2 Great Interviews this program: Phil Woods from 04.1998; and Michael Braunstein, Executive Director of The Les Paul Foundation

check out: lespaulfoundation.org

Please supoprt WUSB during this Fall Fund Raiser -- wusb.fm to contribute